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Conference 12 | Beach Session

One of the more challenging styled sessions at Conference 12 this past October, the beach also ended up being one of the most fun for me just because it was challenging! This shoot was styled and led by the amazing Christina Ramirez, of Christina Ramirez Photography in San Antonio, TX. And it was I think the pinnacle of the experience in terms of the location because it took place outside our hotel The Confidant, right in the middle of Miami beach. It also happened to be 2pm when my group shot – high sun on the beach, which proved to be the challenge…

Most of the time photographers will avoid full sun. We’ll often prefer to shoot at the golden hour (the hour or so right after sunrise, or right before sunset). The reason is because the light truly is golden, and more even for the most part, so it’s very flattering. Or… we look everywhere for shadows which makes the light even. You see the light is trickier at mid-day in full sun due to harsh shadows, lots of contrast and, of course, there’s that trouble of not having your subjects squinting at you. There’s also the technical challenge of knowing what settings you must have your camera. Very low ISO and high shutter speed does the trick. As well as shooting Kelvin can make your colors vibrant and clean. Then, knowing how and where to place your subject makes a huge difference. Once I figured out how to make all those things work together I had SO. MUCH. FUN. 🙂 I love how the colors turned out and how easy it was to achieve once you have it figured out. I barely had to edit these at all – which is awesome! So, I feel like I will actually enjoy shooting at mid day from now on. The fear is gone, people! Haha!
